A little more About the visual artist

My title may be a 'photographer' or as a "visual artist" here, but like everyone and everything- We are so much more. I do things I love. I'm a full time father of my two daughters, I am also a DJ mixing deep house and techno, I own a shop online called www.amidjourneyromance.com, I'm an artist and love working with AI Art & graphic design, I am also a flow artist (mini staff), brander/marketer & a graphic designer, I practice yoga everyday and teach it in my town freely. I love to hike, read, design and work on my crafts. I also love writing and playing music- I have an acoustic with a decent voice. I meditate. And like everyone - I carry my own philosophy for life and am always learning and growing. You could say i'm a bit spiritual. But really, I just wish to live well and see the people here on earth live well too and just to be kind to one another.